October 2012
A Tapioca Dream
Each Night I Hold You
Two Heathens We
A Saunter on Mars
Echoes of the Sweetest Light
Urban Still Life
Vampiric Breeze
At the Teat of Summer's Grave
The Slake of Night
A Tapioca Dream
Light arrives,
oozing etheric,
as a gentle spirit of creamy mist,
as a cloud might rise
around a frigid tropical drink,
a lifting periwinkle steam,
a ghostly tapioca dream.
This is as oxygen to iron,
light to spirit,
grains shifting whining
spectral pining,
plaintive trickles of longing
deep in the evermore,
tumbling into the ‘neath,
into the cold salty breath
of the sea as it schemes.

Bitterroot Mountains, © Christopher Cauble
primitive teeth
uprooted raw,
their nerves exposed to the appetite of stars.
intimidating massive,
deadly granite,
crypts of onyx despair
glistening with anger,
silent power ice
great scabs of Terra’s wounds,
walls of her sorrows
rows of broken dreams
uplifted for healing
to the lips of the sun.
Each Night I Hold You
each night that I hold you
our words our deeds
are alive on my temples,
dancing the dreams
and the hearts on our sleeves.
each night I hold you
is dearer than the night before.
your balance is my harmony
the little joys I can give you
are what keeps me sane.
in the heart of my day
there is a hum a chord
a harmonic deep in my strings
a melody
sometimes a madrigal
singing in these lonely bones.

Two Heathens We
tipped to the midnight grape…
painted from the window’s light,
bloody, primitive.
war painted, prancing,
pregnant with Apache dawn,
two heathens we.
pumas grinning,
kneading, fat-cat purring
simpering as the lemonade light
disconnects the freckles,
runs down our shoulders,
crossing the canyons of urgency,
their violet shadows
echoing sonorous growls,
ghosts cries of whimpers
of thunderous sighs.
two heathens we…

A Saunter on Mars
I walk this russet planet
towards an arc of slivered turquoise
and a cold sallow sun.
the air is cellophane,
a crispy clear
almost rigid with cold.
my footfalls are virgin
striated treads
on paprika and blood powdered plains.
He is regal in his redness.
defiant, stark,
an oxidized satin
spread on a table of redwood.
persimmons and apricot
In each crater and bowl.
Olympus Mons
rises in grandeur
piercing the hematite sky.
tasting the blackness of space
its basalt tongues lapping
at the cold milk of stars.
Echoes of the Sweetest Light
‘tis the journey north,
the push into the prairie.
it is the twice heated tuna plate,
the saucer with the cup
of reheated second rate Joe.
it is the cross to Manitoba
from the whisker
to the desolate winter wheat
it is the passage from ravenous
from the dreams in your arms,
the bliss in your bed,
to the chafe of your thighs at my cheek.
expectations an Illusion,
two calendars of wist
crammed into a sandwich
of delicious August afternoons.
the moments surreal,
the embers infinitely precious.
‘tis the journey north,
the days of pulling away.
my loins barren,
and my arms without you.
my heart full of longing,
of good mornings never said,
of dawns never shared.
echoes of the sweetest light.

Urban Still Life
four A.M. and the streets are just clicks.
walk signs and signals
wack-snack-brrring up the canyons
reds and greens
snicking to no one
slimes of neon in the gutters
gleaming in the remnants
of a late August rain.
my steps are phantoms,
quiet as the scream of a mime.
their passage but a shadow.
one of millions,
daring to stir
these canvas oils of light.
these remnants of a late August rain.

Vampiric Breeze
So much blood has run into this soil
it must be high in iron
…in anguish.
Is this Gettysburg?
Is this Rwanda,
we kill for such foolishness…
petty prides and ego
but mostly power
…in the name of some god -
for its perfume
the cloak of its legitimacy
so much blood
so many teachers, doctors, philosophers, mothers
decades of dreams
micro-surgery techniques
so much blood in the dust of this vampiric breeze.
At the Teat of Summer’s Grave
I looked up into the failing light
through the elm and jailbird birch,
their canopies a web
of patchwork gnarls and knobby fingers
scrabbling for a handle,
clasping in vain
against the scrabble blue of this Idaho sky.
the day is slipping under,
its light pinched,
caught in autumns trance,
too feeble to resist
the somber caress
of the gloaming night,
or the heartless eyes of winter’s stars.
the wind is gnawing,
this Bitterroot ridge.
spitting quartz and menace
snarling from the passes,
a thready whine riding a sonorous growl.
the light bows low, humbled…
for a New York minute
at the teat of summer’s grave.

The Slake of Night
These mounts extend
like ossified waves,
shrouded serpents aligned,
sepia, copper,
cinnamon stirred,
bubbling to a Brown Betty crisp.
Indigo unravels
its cloak of cold starry peace,
a salve to these simmering lands
their fire soothed,
its curried tomato and turmeric cliffs,
quenched by this night’s dark ale.